
Avanti Cigar News

Making an American Cigar: a Cigar Advisor Tour of Avanti Cigars

October 18, 2019

Check out this video from Cigar Advisor magazine!

Avanti, Parodi, De Nobili, Petri, and Kentucky Cheroots…these are just some of the cigars made by the Avanti Cigar Co. in Dunmore, Pa. Made exclusively with fire-cured tobaccos grown in Kentucky and Tennessee, these cigars may be of Italian heritage, but each one is proudly Made in the U.S.A. the same way for 100 years. The Famous Smoke Shop Cigar Advisors visited the factory where Avanti and Parodi cigars are made to learn about fire curing Kentucky tobacco and how dry-cured cigars are made – you’ll see the entire process from start to finish. They also review Parodi and Avanti Bourbon cigars. Watch Now, and see just how many hands are involved in producing these rustic, savory-smoking treats.
